The ascended lady master Nada is the chohan of the sixth ray (purple and gold ray) of peace, ministration and service. She is also a member of the Karmic Board, on which she serves as the representative of the third ray (pink ray) of divine love. From Nada we learn the practical application of love and the path of personal Christhood through ministration and service to life.

On Atlantis, Nada worked in the healing arts and served as a priestess in the Temple of Love. The etheric counterpart of this temple, which is designed after the pattern of a rose, is centered above New Bedford, Massachusetts. She was also embodied as a lawyer on Atlantis, where she championed the cause of divine justice for the downtrodden and oppressed.

Nada speaks of her experience in keeping the flame in the last days of Atlantis: “How well I remember the last days of Atlantis. Those of us who were there keeping the vigil midst the effort of the embodied lightbearers have recently gathered at the Royal Teton Retreat to closely examine the causes and conditions that led to that final judgment and that sinking of a continent and its people.

“The evildoers then and now continue in their evildoing right up to the eve of cataclysm, boasting that they are immune to God’s laws, that karma is not real, and that they are the gods of the earth….

“My service on Atlantis was in law and the law of wholeness. Thus the science of healing and the science of truth are the right and left hand of the defense of the individual, body and soul. In those days the manipulators of the law of the fifth ray were as devious in their despisings of the sons of light as they are today. They entered not into the consciousness of God, and they exerted a destructive influence upon those who were entering in as neophytes under the initiates of the mystery schools.

In her final incarnation 2,700 years ago, Nada was the youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children. She was tutored by Charity, archeia of the third ray, in how to expand the threefold flame of love in her heart for the quickening of the chakras of her talented brothers and sisters. She chose to forgo pursuing her own career in that embodiment and, instead, kept the flame in deep meditation and prayer for her brothers and sisters in their various fields of endeavor.

Mark L., Prophet; Elizabeth Clare, Prophet. The Masters and Their Retreats (p. 239). Summit University Press. Kindle Edition.

Uriel and Aurora are the archangels of the sixth ray of ministration and service. Their retreat is located in the etheric realm over the Tatra Mountains, south of Cracow, Poland. In their ministrations, they guard the dawn of the Christ consciousness in mankind and elemental life.

The sixth ray is also the ray of peace, and Uriel and Aurora keep the flame of peace for mankind until they are able to invoke it for themselves. They prepare the way for the unfoldment of the light of God within each soul. Aurora carries the Mother feeling of peace and love to all mankind. Hers is the assurance that always flows from a mother’s love—all is well, “the dawn is coming.”

In order to have peace, the archangels sometimes have to make war for the binding of the fallen angels. Archangel Uriel and Aurora embody the peace and brotherhood of God. They minister to all life. Their work corresponds to the solar-plexus chakra, which is at the navel. Their day is Thursday, and on this day we can receive a greater release of light, energy and cosmic consciousness from their causal body.

The name Uriel means “fire of God,” “flame of God” or “God is my light.” In Jewish tradition, Archangel Uriel is called the “one who brings light to Israel.” He interprets prophecies and is often shown carrying a book, a papyrus scroll. John Milton describes Uriel in Paradise Lost as the “regent of the sun” and “the sharpest-sighted spirit of all in Heaven.” Some traditions say Uriel is the angel who led Abraham out of the land of Ur.

Uriel is not named in the Bible, but he is mentioned in Jewish and Christian texts. He is said to be an angel of the Presence who watches over the world and over the lowest part of Hades. Uriel is one of the four chief angels in the Book of Enoch along with Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. He guided Enoch on his journeys through heaven and the underworld, and he warned Noah of the impending flood. Some traditions say Uriel taught Noah how to survive the flood.

In the Sibylline Oracles (texts that were used to spread Jewish and then Christian doctrine among pagans), Uriel is mentioned as one of the angels who leads souls to judgment. Uriel also plays a key role in the Jewish work the Fourth Book of Ezra. In this book, Uriel interprets the visions of Ezra and instructs him in the secrets of the universe. He answers Ezra’s questions about the judgment and the signs of the end of the age.

Mark L., Prophet; Elizabeth Clare, Prophet. The Masters and Their Retreats (pp. 370-371). Summit University Press. Kindle Edition.