Building up the Electronic Belt – August 14, 1997.

Channeled through my Spiritual Interpreter Nadira Duran


August 14, 1997, at 11:11 am. I’m seeing up ahead of me, I’m seeing a, some kind of old ancient tree. Almost looks like an old oak tree, except it’s got more, it’s more rounded and more branches. And the branches are all kind of twisty turny type. I’ve never seen a tree quite like that. As I’m getting closer, there’s all kinds of lights and everything around this, a blaze of this real green light. Like a light green, but as I’m getting closer to the tree, I’m very close to it now, it’s like on each branch there’s some type of ancient writing. I’m thinking it’s telling us a story on each branch. That’s what I’m assuming. I’m going past it now, I’m being taken past that. And it’s opening up now into a, colors of magenta, green and blue. It’s like, now there’s, there’s some kind of threshold that I went through as I past the tree. It was invisible , I couldn’t see it. As I past the tree, it just open up into a new dimension and now I’m inside of a, looks like some kind of building. And I’m going up to the alter. It’s huge. There are Angels lined up and their probably oh about 6-7 foot tall. Their male Angels. All of them are coming through in about the same colors of turquoise and blue. Like a cobalt blue. And I’m sure this is Titus coming up, coming in bright yellows, bronze and gold.


I am most grateful that you have come into my chamber. I am thankful that you have knocked upon my door at the appropriate time and place. And I have come forth though the ether to speak to you once again of your memories while you were within the ethereal plane. And of these memories I am here to remind you of what your choices were while you were there and I say it is commendable that you have come forth in your seeking to find these memories.

For I AM Titus, and I have come forth to speak to you of the energies that are now surrounding the Earth. I have spoken to you in prior times of the Electronic Belt and Photon Belt and the energies that are emitted there from. But now as I’m speaking to you, I desire for you to know that of these electrical forces they can be used for healing upon the Earth the same as they can be used for destruction. There has been great confusion in the atmosphere. There has been many falling stars and there has been displacement within the alignments of these stars as they have fallen different degrees towards different planets, but as these degrees have fallen upon the Earth they have fallen in such a manner that it has caused in effect the Electronic Belt to build up it’s forces of protection so that what is yet to come with the Earth Grazer Comet, it will indeed help protect the Earth through the Electronic Belt. As this belt has built it’s forces and has become resilient to much of the debris that fallen from the atmosphere. As the coming days will show you, there is to be healing for the pollutions that are being sent into the atmosphere creating the dissolvement of the ozone. There is now being a gathering of this pollution to be gathered together to be dissolved.

It is imperative for the healing of the planet. It is not something that can be done continually. But with the electrical forces as they are now, the angelic host are able through the light corridor of the Lions Gate to come forth and do their work to help this planet. You will see different Earth changes and at times they may seem catastrophic, but they will be in a manner that will be used to heal the Earth. Some things can not be avoided. I’m coming forth to you at this time and hour to speak to you of this so that you’ll be aware and use your light to radiate your minds eye to these different areas for peace and protection. And the area’s of fact will be in the Eastern United States and Japan, South America and Russia. Be aware of this. I will come forth at another time through higher energy of Melchizedek.


And he is going out.

I wonder what all is going to go on. It sounds like an earthquake or something like that. There was something that happened the other day, yesterday, there was a ____________ got through for a lady from Japan and there was something about one of the islands that was going to have an earthquake over there. Well, number four is something to build on, the foundation. But I think how he used this was to let us know that electronic belt is being built