Main God qualities and actions of the First Ray:
Omnipotence, protection, faith, the Will of God
through the power of the Father.
Corresponding Chakra: Throat
Color: Blue
Corresponding Stones:
Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Peacock stones, Blue-lace Agate
Day when is amplified: Monday
Chohan of the First Ray:
Master El Morya
Archangels and their Divine Complements:
Archangel Michael and Faith
In the Name of God “I AM,” I invoke the presence of Beloved Master El Morya, Archangel Michael and all Ascended Masters and angels of the Blue Flame Love of God’s Will to guide and protect me daily and hourly.
Archangel Michael, come into my life. Help me overcome all density with your sword of blue flame. Cut me loose and set me free from all negativity and errors of the past.
I ask for a shaft of blue lightning of divine Love to be established over my being, over my home, my family, my work and all my affairs. I call the guidance I need to manifest God’s Will in all aspects of my life to fulfill my divine purpose here on Earth. I claim for God’s Will to manifest everywhere on Earth as it is in the Realms of
Light and Freedom.
The Prayer of Surrender
By Master El Morya
Beloved Father/Mother God, into Thy hands I commend my being. Use my Love, my thoughts and my life in selfless service to Thee. Release from me all that hinders the fulfillment of my holy purposes and Ascension. Teach me to be kind in the ways of the Brotherhood of Light. Direct and establish my life stream in ways that, daily and hourly, my true identity in God manifests.
Beloved God-Presence I AM, Eternal Father/Mother God, May the covenant I made with Thee be totally fulfilled! May I live my life to feel Your Love and see Your Light! May your Will manifest on Earth as it is in Heaven! Into thy hands I surrender my being, that through me, God be glorified in all things!
And so be it! Beloved I AM.
For a Forcefield of Protection
Light is the most powerful emanation of all Creation. It is important to invoke the full Power of God’s First Ray for Protection and Divine Will.
In the name of my beloved I AM Presence, from the very Heart of God, I invoke an invincible shaft of God’s First Ray of Protection to be placed over me. Let it surround every cell, atom and electron of my Being, encapsulating me in an invincible force field of God’s Holy Will. Let this shaft of Sapphire Blue Light expand into my various bodies and all my chakras.
Cut me FREE from anything that is less than the highest Light within me. Let the Blue Flame of Divine Love guard my force-field of Protection, daily and hourly. I know that “I AM” absolutely protected at all time and in all places. I express my deep gratitude for all assistance given unto me always. Amen