Master El Morya is the great spiritual hierarch of the Brotherhood of the Diamond Heart. His activity of service and life is to guard and protect the spiritual focuses created as heart centers of world movements and religions, protecting whatever specific God ideas will benefit the human race and hasten its evolution. In addition, he is the chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood in India, Chohan of the First Ray and hierarch of the etheric Temple of Good Will. El Morya represents the divine attributes of the First Ray which are courage, faith, initiative, dependability, divine power, self-reliance and certainty.
First Ray
MICHAEL AND FAITH, Archangels of the First Ray
Archangels of the First Ray Michael is the archangel of the first ray of protection, faith and the will of God. He is the Prince of the Archangels and of the Angelic Hosts, the Defender of the Faith, the Angel of Deliverance. The Book of Daniel calls him “the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people.”314 His divine complement is Archeia Faith.
Archangel Michael has figured as the greatest and most revered of angels in Jewish, Christian and Islamic scriptures and tradition. In Muslim lore, he is the angel of nature who provides both food and knowledge to man. In Jewish mystical tradition Archangel Michael is identified with the angel who wrestled with Jacob, destroyed the armies of Sennacherib and saved the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace. Archangel Michael was the angel who appeared to Joshua as he prepared to lead the Israelites in battle at Jericho. John the apostle speaks of Archangel Michael in the Book of Revelation, where he recounts that it was Michael who cast the devil and his angels out of heaven into the earth.315 By this we know that the fallen angels have taken embodiment and that the enemies of Christ are in the world of form. It is, therefore, Archangel Michael and the legions of blue lightning who serve with him who defend the children of God from the enemy of the Antichrist.
Mark L., Prophet; Elizabeth Clare, Prophet. The Masters and Their Retreats (p. 230). Summit University Press. Kindle Edition.